Lakshminarayana Sadasivuni


Professor (Adjunct), 

Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering

Andhra University

Visakhapatnam - 530 003

Education and Professional Experience

Fellowships and Memberships

Patents and Research

Leadership and Roles in Professional Organizations

Administrative and Government Experience

International Engagements and Conferences

Position Statement and Future Directions

o   IEEE Region 11 Alignment: I am committed to creating new opportunities for volunteers and elevating the India Council members to serve IEEE Regions 11/10 and MGA.

o   I will continue to initiate projects using AI tools to assess local community needs and secure funding from IEEE and other sources to increase IEEE's presence.

o   Entrepreneurship development will be a key focus, establishing ‘Entrepreneurship Coordinators’ at Student Branches, and working with "Startup India" to create impactful partnerships across IEEE Sections and Society Chapters with ‘Make in India’ Programme.

o   I will collaborate with Sections to elevate the quality of IEEE conferences.

o   A special working group will be formed to address Sustainability and AI challenges.