Scopus Link: Scholar: link: Author page:
S. S. Tushara and S. Sudarsan Survey on Data Mining and Machine Learning Methods Used in analyzing Tweets 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy, Green Computing and Sustainable Development (ICREGCSD - 2025) (21 - 22 February 2025) Hyderabad India [Best Paper awarded] In press 2024
S. S. Tushara and S. Sudarsan, "Similarity of depressive/anti-depressive tweets with Happiness Index parameters " 2024- IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Smart and Green Technologies (ICISSGT – 2024) Tushara and CVR Padmaja "Data-Driven Urban Mobility - Comprehensive Predictive Modeling for Traffic Congestion",2024- IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Smart and Green Technologies (ICISSGT – 2024) S. Tushara and S. Sudarsan, "A New Method to Predict Happiness Index Using Tweets," SoutheastCon 2024, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2024, pp. 1173-1176, doi: 10.1109/ SoutheastCon52093.2024.10500128. S. Tushara and S. Sudarsan, "Study on the Webpage properties and prediction using Google" 2024 International Conference on Social and Sustainable Innovations in Technology and Engineering (SASI-ITE) 10.1109/SASI-ITE58663.2024.00066 pp 312-315 Tushara and Y. Zhang, Analyzing Events’ Impacts on Mental Health Using Tweets, In the 5th International Workshop on Social Media Analytics for Health intelligence (SMA4H): how artificial intelligence transforms healthcare (The 21st IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology November 17-20, 2022, Niagara Falls, Canada)S.S. Tushara and Y. Zhang, Timestamp analysis of mental health tweets of Twitter users along with COVID-19 confirmed cases. In the 13th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB) BCB '22, August 7–10, 2022, Northbrook, IL, USA © 2022 Association for Computing Machinery., ISBN: 978-1-4503-9386-7S.S. Tushara "The Power of Social Networks in Fostering Emotional Intelligence" 2022 IEEE International Women In Engineering Leadership conference. San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA. June 6-7, 20222021S.S. Tushara and Y. Zhang "An outcome-based method for computing happiness index from mental health related tweets of Twitter users", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Smart and Green Technologies (ICISSGT – 2021) November 13-14, 2021 pp 99-102 DOI 10.1109/ICISSGT52025.2021.00031 (Acceptance Rate: 19%)Tushara Sadasivuni and Y. Zhang, "Analyzing the Bad-Words in tweets of Twitter users to discover the Mental Health Happiness Index and Feel-Good-Factors," 2021 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2021, pp. 882-888, doi: 10.1109/ICDMW53433.2021.00115. Auckland, New Zealand December 7-10, 2021 (Acceptance Rate: 20%) (Recorded version)
S.S. Tushara and Y Zhang "A new method to find the impact of an event using mental health tweets of Twitter users" [Under Process]
2020S.S. Tushara and Y. Zhang, “Finding a Depressive Twitter User by Analyzing Time Series Tweets”, 2020 IEEE India Council International Subsections’ Conference (INDISCON) Oct 3-4, 2020, 978-1-7281-8734-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE DOI 10.1109/INDISCON50162.2020.00022
S.S. Tushara and Y. Zhang, “Finding a Depressive Twitter User by Analyzing Depress and Anti-depressant Tweets”, 2020 IEEE India Council International Subsections’ Conference (INDISCON) Oct 3-4, 2020, 978-1-7281-8734-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE DOI 10.1109/INDISCON50162.2020.00039
S.S. Tushara and Y Zhang , "Clustering Depressed and Anti-Depressed keywords Based on a Twitter Event of Srilanka Bomb Blasts using text mining methods," in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication with Artificial Intelligence (HCCAI), Irvine, CA, USA, 2020 pp. 51-54. doi: 10.1109/HCCAI49649.2020.00014 Link
S.S. Tushara and Y Zhang , "Using Gradient Methods to Predict Twitter Users' Mental Health with Both COVID-19 Growth Patterns and Tweets," in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication with Artificial Intelligence (HCCAI), Irvine, CA, USA, 2020 pp. 65-66. doi: 10.1109/HCCAI49649.2020.00017 Link
S.S. Tushara and Y Zhang , "A New Method for Discovering Daily Depression from Tweets to Monitor Peoples Depression Status," in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication with Artificial Intelligence (HCCAI), Irvine, CA, USA, 2020 pp. 47-50. doi: 10.1109/HCCAI49649.2020.00013 Link
2019S. S Tushara and Yanqing Zhang. (2019). “Analyzing Tweets to Discover Twitter Users’ Mental Health Status by a Word-Frequency Method”. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Green Technology (ICISGT), 2019, pp. 5-53, doi: 10.1109/ICISGT44072.2019.00016.
2018S S Tushara and Yanqing Zhang (2018) “Online Mental Illness Detection Based on Continual Tweets Using Decision Trees”, In Machine Learning in Science and Engineering, #MLSE2018, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, June 6-8, 2018
2016S.S. Tushara, Nature Readers online comment to the article published "Open peer review finds more takers", 10 November 2016
2014S.S. Tushara Nature Readers comment on 'impact factor'. Nature 506, 295 (20 February 2014) doi:10.1038/506295e Published online also 19 February 2014 (
S.S. Tushara Nature Readers online comment Clique publishers should choose new accepting methods. (
2012S.S. Tushara An attempt to rank social relations using Google Algorithm' awarded second in a inter college event for this paper at Aadritha 2012 Organizer: M. V. G. R College of Engineering, Vijayanagaram
S. S. Tushara Data Mining Applications to Social networks' presented a technical paper at International conference on Information system Design and Intelligent Applications - 2012, Organizer: Computer Society of India, Visakhapatnam Chapter.
2011S.S. Tushara 'Training of Technical Teachers needed', Current Science Vol. 101, No. 5, 10 September 2011, P597.
S. S. Tushara and S. Sudarsan Survey on Data Mining and Machine Learning Methods Used in analyzing Tweets 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy, Green Computing and Sustainable Development (ICREGCSD - 2025) (21 - 22 February 2025) Hyderabad India [Best Paper awarded] In press 2024
S. S. Tushara and S. Sudarsan, "Similarity of depressive/anti-depressive tweets with Happiness Index parameters " 2024- IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Smart and Green Technologies (ICISSGT – 2024) Tushara and CVR Padmaja "Data-Driven Urban Mobility - Comprehensive Predictive Modeling for Traffic Congestion",2024- IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Smart and Green Technologies (ICISSGT – 2024) S. Tushara and S. Sudarsan, "A New Method to Predict Happiness Index Using Tweets," SoutheastCon 2024, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2024, pp. 1173-1176, doi: 10.1109/ SoutheastCon52093.2024.10500128. S. Tushara and S. Sudarsan, "Study on the Webpage properties and prediction using Google" 2024 International Conference on Social and Sustainable Innovations in Technology and Engineering (SASI-ITE) 10.1109/SASI-ITE58663.2024.00066 pp 312-315 Tushara and Y. Zhang, Analyzing Events’ Impacts on Mental Health Using Tweets, In the 5th International Workshop on Social Media Analytics for Health intelligence (SMA4H): how artificial intelligence transforms healthcare (The 21st IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology November 17-20, 2022, Niagara Falls, Canada)S.S. Tushara and Y. Zhang, Timestamp analysis of mental health tweets of Twitter users along with COVID-19 confirmed cases. In the 13th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB) BCB '22, August 7–10, 2022, Northbrook, IL, USA © 2022 Association for Computing Machinery., ISBN: 978-1-4503-9386-7S.S. Tushara "The Power of Social Networks in Fostering Emotional Intelligence" 2022 IEEE International Women In Engineering Leadership conference. San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA. June 6-7, 20222021S.S. Tushara and Y. Zhang "An outcome-based method for computing happiness index from mental health related tweets of Twitter users", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Smart and Green Technologies (ICISSGT – 2021) November 13-14, 2021 pp 99-102 DOI 10.1109/ICISSGT52025.2021.00031 (Acceptance Rate: 19%)Tushara Sadasivuni and Y. Zhang, "Analyzing the Bad-Words in tweets of Twitter users to discover the Mental Health Happiness Index and Feel-Good-Factors," 2021 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2021, pp. 882-888, doi: 10.1109/ICDMW53433.2021.00115. Auckland, New Zealand December 7-10, 2021 (Acceptance Rate: 20%) (Recorded version)
S.S. Tushara and Y Zhang "A new method to find the impact of an event using mental health tweets of Twitter users" [Under Process]
2020S.S. Tushara and Y. Zhang, “Finding a Depressive Twitter User by Analyzing Time Series Tweets”, 2020 IEEE India Council International Subsections’ Conference (INDISCON) Oct 3-4, 2020, 978-1-7281-8734-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE DOI 10.1109/INDISCON50162.2020.00022
S.S. Tushara and Y. Zhang, “Finding a Depressive Twitter User by Analyzing Depress and Anti-depressant Tweets”, 2020 IEEE India Council International Subsections’ Conference (INDISCON) Oct 3-4, 2020, 978-1-7281-8734-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE DOI 10.1109/INDISCON50162.2020.00039
S.S. Tushara and Y Zhang , "Clustering Depressed and Anti-Depressed keywords Based on a Twitter Event of Srilanka Bomb Blasts using text mining methods," in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication with Artificial Intelligence (HCCAI), Irvine, CA, USA, 2020 pp. 51-54. doi: 10.1109/HCCAI49649.2020.00014 Link
S.S. Tushara and Y Zhang , "Using Gradient Methods to Predict Twitter Users' Mental Health with Both COVID-19 Growth Patterns and Tweets," in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication with Artificial Intelligence (HCCAI), Irvine, CA, USA, 2020 pp. 65-66. doi: 10.1109/HCCAI49649.2020.00017 Link
S.S. Tushara and Y Zhang , "A New Method for Discovering Daily Depression from Tweets to Monitor Peoples Depression Status," in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication with Artificial Intelligence (HCCAI), Irvine, CA, USA, 2020 pp. 47-50. doi: 10.1109/HCCAI49649.2020.00013 Link
2019S. S Tushara and Yanqing Zhang. (2019). “Analyzing Tweets to Discover Twitter Users’ Mental Health Status by a Word-Frequency Method”. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Green Technology (ICISGT), 2019, pp. 5-53, doi: 10.1109/ICISGT44072.2019.00016.
2018S S Tushara and Yanqing Zhang (2018) “Online Mental Illness Detection Based on Continual Tweets Using Decision Trees”, In Machine Learning in Science and Engineering, #MLSE2018, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, June 6-8, 2018
2016S.S. Tushara, Nature Readers online comment to the article published "Open peer review finds more takers", 10 November 2016
2014S.S. Tushara Nature Readers comment on 'impact factor'. Nature 506, 295 (20 February 2014) doi:10.1038/506295e Published online also 19 February 2014 (
S.S. Tushara Nature Readers online comment Clique publishers should choose new accepting methods. (
2012S.S. Tushara An attempt to rank social relations using Google Algorithm' awarded second in a inter college event for this paper at Aadritha 2012 Organizer: M. V. G. R College of Engineering, Vijayanagaram
S. S. Tushara Data Mining Applications to Social networks' presented a technical paper at International conference on Information system Design and Intelligent Applications - 2012, Organizer: Computer Society of India, Visakhapatnam Chapter.
2011S.S. Tushara 'Training of Technical Teachers needed', Current Science Vol. 101, No. 5, 10 September 2011, P597.